Monday, April 13, 2009

The Consequence of Wanting Failure

Republicans, as per their spiritual leader Rush Limbaugh, want the current government to fail. They have said so repeatedly. They want it to fail even when no sane mind desires failure.

So, while liberals were cheering, we have the spectacle of some Republicans disappointed, even angry, at the fact that Captain Richard Phillips was liberated alive from those Somali pirates. This little post on conservative National Review Online received a flurry of attacks from Republicans - how dare he approve the rescue. With all that criticism, including attacks from Rush, the NRO poster, Jonah Goldberg, reacted with typical Republican courage - he retreated with his tail so far between his legs it was rubbing his chin. Newt Gingrich was so disappointed he couldn't even pretend to be happy.

The consequence of wanting failure? Looking like a blooming idiot.
The Death of Blackbeard

See Also: Kel at Osterley Times
JCWilmore at Daily Kos

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