Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Case Against Judge Jay Bybee

One of the authors of the Torture Memos is now a federal judge with a lifetime appointment to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. He deserves impeachment.
  • His memos shows a lack of scholarship that indicates he is technically and intellectually unqualified to be a judge.
  • His memos shows a general disregard for both the law and common decency that disqualifies him for judgeship.
  • He lied (by claiming attorney-client privilege) through omission to the United States Senate during his confirmation hearing by not disclosing the content of his legal opinions authorizing the torture of prisoners held by the United States Government, information material to his confirmation.
  • By issuing legal opinions authorizing the use of torture he deliberately and knowingly violated United States law, treaty obligations, and the United States Constitution and suborned others to violate the law. He was, therefore, at the time of his confirmation an unindicted criminal.
The Nation makes the case for impeachment
Courage Campaign petition

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