Monday, February 16, 2009

A Fool and His Money

George Bush Jr. is failing in his scrounging for money for his presidential library, being that the economy is tanking and he is so hated. So many thoughts come to mind.
  • How much do Dick and Jane books cost these days, anyhow?
  • Schadenfreude, much?
  • Just deserts
  • Maybe they should think about downsizing. How expensive is a bookmobile in Waco?
  • Better yet, there will be plenty of empty space for the Bush Library at Gitmo in a few months.
  • Why build something that American patriots will just want to burn down?
  • Libraries, like education, are Democratic institutions. How about something more Republican? Maybe the George W. Bush Drive-Thru Church and Coffee Shop.
  • #1 thought: "I was President for eight years and all I got was this lousy T-shirt."

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