Wednesday, February 25, 2009

FDR vs. Kenneth the Page

The internet is agog with Bobby Jindal's spot on impression of Kenneth the Page in the Republican response to President Obama's speech to Congress.

President Obama was commanding, presenting an air of confidence and hope that inspired the vast majority of the nation. AP likened Obama's talk to FDR's fireside chat. Republicans, delivering the highest possible praise they can imagine, are describing Obama as Reagan-esque. Faced with an impossible act to follow, Jindel decided to go for comedy.

For those who don't know, Kenneth the Page is a character in Tina Fey's television show 30 Rock. Earnest yet clueless with a persistent vacuous smile, Kenneth always sees the sunny side of any depression.
My mother always told me that even when things seem bad, there's someone else who's having a worse day. Like being stung by a bee or getting a splinter or being chained to a wall in someone's sex dungeon. ~ Kenneth Parcell, 30 Rock
Jindal is the perfect character to pitch the Republican "Don't Worry, Be Happy" attitude over the economic crisis. The unemployed don't need assistance, they need to smile more. When times are hard the government should stand by and do nothing. As Paul Krugman notes, "the political philosophy of the GOP right now seems to consist of snickering at stuff that they think sounds funny."

Besides, Jindal's impression of Kenneth was an in-your-face response to Tina Fey's impression of Sarah Palin. Take that, Tina. We Republicans will always by more stupid than you can possibly act.

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