Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Despicable Human of the Month Award

If this report from MSNBC is accurate, then Dr. Richard Batista is certainly the most despicable person of January and is certain to be in the running for end-of-year honors.

According to the story, Dr. Batista's beloved wife needed a kidney transplant to survive and the good doctor donated one of his own in 2001. That was then. They divorced in 2005 and Dr. Dick is suing his ex-wife for the return of his kidney or $1.5 million. Actually, he probably hasn't demanded the organ back, but that might be just because he hasn't thought of it. He isn't just suing his ex-wife. No, he is also going to reporters about his demand for his half-pound of flesh.

It was a gift, dude. I don't care if she had sex with the entire roster of the New York Giants, including the mascot. A gift is a gift.

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