Thursday, October 02, 2008

What's With the Wink?

Debates are impressionistic things. You can never tell by analyzing them what will stick in people's minds and how they will view it. Take, for example, Sarah Palin's winking during Veep debate. How will viewers react?

Winking is a flirtatious act. For religious people there is Psalm 35:19 (Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: neither let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause.). Excessive winking and blinking are clues that someone is lying. Or there may be a benign reason, irritation or a nervous tick.

The question is not what she was doing or why. That is unimportant. It was a strange thing that people most certainly noticed. The question is how will Joe Sixpack and his Hockey Mom wife interpret the strange case of Sarah's left eye?

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