Friday, July 04, 2008

What is Patriotism?

Is it patriotic to promote a tax system that allows the nation's infrastructure, her bridges and levees, to fall into disrepair, killing decent, hard working Americans? (Left: a bridge in Minnesota)

Is it patriotic for the country to reward a handful of wealthy elite while their businesses and employees suffer? (Note: there is a direct relationship between the opulence of a CEO's mansion the failure of his company.)

Is it patriotism to "honor the sacrifice" of soldiers while foreclosing on their homes while they are fighting? What about taking a woman's child while she is in Iraq? (Few things make me angrier than the right-wing meme "I honor your service." It is usually shorthand for "shut up and die.")

Is it patriotism to salute the flag while trashing the Constitution? (A question to ask Republicans, "Do you pledge allegiance to the flag or to the Constitution?")
Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It’s just a goddamned piece of paper. ~ President George W. Bush
Is it patriotism to remain quiet while the nation is being bleed white by a endless, meaningless war? (The money wasted on the Iraq War could have provided health coverage for over 40 million Americans.)

There is more to patriotism than fireworks and flag pins. Placing a hand over your heart during the anthem is worthless if your heart is empty of compassion for your fellow citizens. Patriotism is love of country not love for a scrap of colored fabric. Patriotism is not some patch of dirt I happen to live on but a principal of government.

The worst anti-patriotic slogan is "My country, right or wrong." The best...
My Country! When right keep it right; when wrong, set it right! ~ Carl Schurz

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