Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Swift Boat Blacks

The Republican Swift Boat slander group for 2008 will be a weird little organization called the National Black Republican Association.
  • They are such a tiny group their website trumpets erecting a billboard off I-26 near Orangeburg, South Carolina as a major accomplishment.
  • Their Board of Directors, if they have one, is a secret nowhere to be found.
  • Most of their contributing writers are non-Blacks like David Barton, Cal Thomas, Jonah Goldberg, Michelle Malkin, Jack Kemp, and Karl Rove.
  • The few actual, prominent Black Republicans like Colin Powell, J. C. Watts, and Condi Rice appear to have nothing to do with this group.
The NBRA has a short, bizarre history. Shortly after their were created in 2005 the majority of the founding directors resigned en mass. They are obsessed with an incomplete and distorted knowledge of history. Their hate-filled radio ads to date have been written using that non-existent jargon that white folk think black people speak in.

The Republicans have been looking for ways to get free publicity for their slanderous attacks on the cable news channels. They need some group to spread their racist attacks that will, to the undiscerning eye, appear credible. Hence a group of "Black Republicans" whose funding is 99% white. Whose media personnel are clearly all white. And whose leadership, were it ever accurately revealed, would resemble a Southern country club - a couple of token black members to color a lily-white base.

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