Wednesday, June 11, 2008

All Golf All the Time

I'm spending the week in the cool gloom of the San Diego coast watching the U. S. Open golf tournament so I won't be blogging much this week. Still, I can't help marveling at the mind-boggling stupidity of the McCain presidential campaign.

It seems in a time of endless war and economic collapse they think all of their voters are golfers. And, apparently, judging from the comments, they are not. Preserving for posterity (in the event the McCain camp gets a fucking clue), here are all of the comments on McCain's own campaign website for the $50 McCain souvenir golf ball bag.

Must'a been a mixup June 11, 2008
Reviewer: George Orwell from Washington, DC United States
The description clearly says golf balls but all I got was a bag of steel bearings

50 bucks? June 11, 2008
Reviewer: Dude Lebowski from Dudeville, CA United States
Fifty bucks for a few balls, a towel, and what appears to be a ball sack? Are they serious? Is this some way to get around campaign finance reform laws by selling cheap stuff for a lot of money?

Divot tools June 11, 2008
Reviewer: Gen. Patreaus from Pancakes, AL United States
Divot tools are just what I need to repair the blast dents in my unarmored humvee. Thanks Mr. McCain, don't know what I'd do without this.

I love these balls! June 11, 2008
Reviewer: Rush L. from Millwood, WA United States
Although, to be perfectly fair, I enjoy darker colored balls from the Dominican more.

Cong-ratulations, John, on a fantastic product! June 11, 2008
Reviewer: Ho Chi Minh from Ho Chi Minh City, Formerly Saigon (Suck it, USA!)
My only complaint would be the excessive weight of the balls. Once you land in a sand trap, the ball sinks so deep it's almost impossible to wedge out. This is obviously the work of someone who has no idea what it's like to be hopelessly trapped somewhere for a long period of time.
Via DKos here are some earlier comments. Now gone but hopefully not forgotten.

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