Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Republicization of Billary (Clinton)

It could be the plot of a Julie Andrews-James Garner movie from the 1960's. A romantic comedy about a couple so desperate to regain a presidency they lost find themselves behaving exactly like the people they are supposed to rescue the nation from.
  • The original movie was cute, fun, and anti-war. Billary hated the Vietnam War but these days really loves the idea of war with Iraq/Iran/Pakistan/whoever. It is hard to find a war difference between Billary and John McCain.
  • Billary, in his/her youth, fought for civil rights. These days they are creatively redefining race-baiting in ways that George Wallace would have never imagined and with a purity of hate that even Ron "95% of blacks are criminals" Paul would find distasteful. In another movie homage, Spike Lee's "Do The Right Thing," Billary is promoting racial hatred between Hispanics and Blacks.
  • Billary has junked decades of support for voters rights by advocating vote caging insofar as it applies to Nevada's Culinary Workers Union. While hardly in the same league as caging maestro Karl Rove, the campaign is still young.
  • "If you can't win the vote, win the vote count" has been Diebold's unofficial motto for years as they swung close votes to George Bush. There appears to be meat on the bone of the rumor that Diebold has done the same service for Billary in New Hampshire.
I am loath to go all Huckabee but Billary Clinton is reminding me of a biblical verse. What good will it do electing a Democrat for President if he/she is just a Republican in drag?
What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the world, and lose his own soul? ~ Mark 8:36

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