Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Petraeus Parallel

There is a connection between these stories. Petraeus has known from the beginning that the Surge was a Hail Mary. It could change the dynamic inside Iraq but unless systemic chances happened the violent opposition to the US colonial occupation of Iraq and the simmering civil war would reignite. The gains of the Surge are beginning to unravel. Also, Petraeus is an ambitious little prick. Generals who want to be president believe getting command of NATO is a necessary addition to their resume.

Petraeus wants out of Iraq. Now! But just him; the grunts can stay and die. He sees things are unraveling there and he wants some other poor sucker to get the blame. He desperately wants to take an unblemished record into NATO where he can't screw up because NATO commanders don't do anything but practice politics.

A Good Soldier who thinks he is winning would want to finish the job. A Smart Soldier who thinks he is losing wants to bug out to save his ass. Petraeus is in ass-save mode.

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