Friday, July 06, 2007

Iraq Costs in Perspective

The Iraq War is costing $12 billion a month. That comes to $444 per Iraqi per month. The per capita income of Iraqis (in 2006) is $125 per month. We could quintuple the income of each and every Iraqi, raise their standards of living to exceed those in Russia or Venezuela, and still save money over what it is costing to kill Iraqis. I'm sure they would be willing to accept a lot less.


  1. That's startling. I hadn't thought of it that way before.

    Would it be feasible to pull all our troops out and just issue checks to Iraqis?

    Seems like it would be.

    And if we did that, we would probably have even more leverage in negotiating the development of Iraq's oil fields vs. using force.

  2. Anonymous2:42 PM

    We are not killing Iraqis, you idiot. Al-Qaeda and Iranian backed terrorists are killing Iraqis. We are trying to protect Iraqi civilians.

    Hoe ignorant could you be?

    So, do you think that if the US left Iraq, the killing of Iraqi civilians would increase or decrease?

  3. It would be pleasant to believe the fantasy that the United States military is not killing Iraqis, both civilians and insurgents. We are killing Iraqis, sometimes "bad guys" but often innocents. I could list hundreds of examples, here is one.

  4. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Just like KE can't accept that people are in prison because, maybe,... they COMMITTED CRIMES, in the same way, he cannot believe that the bombs going off in marketplaces in Iraq are the world of Islamic terrorists, not the US military.

    I know that leftists always oppose Democracy, but this is too much..
