Tuesday, May 15, 2007

It's Somebody Else's Fault

Blaming someone, anyone, else has become such a frequent retort from Republicans I have begun to wonder whether having a ready supply of scapegoats is a prerequisite for membership in the party. One thing is certain, being a Republican means never having to take responsibility.

The "Clinton did it, too" defense has been used to justify everything from war to corruption to the political purge of federal attorneys. It doesn't matter that Clinton never did half of the things Republicans give him credit for. "Clinton did it, too" is such a common refrain I suspect Karl Rove has the words tattooed on his butt so White House personnel will see it during their daily devotionals.

It seems Alberto Gonzales has been asleep during his tenure at the Justice Department and all the mistakes are the fault of his aides. Daddy Bush blames bloggers for his incompetent son. I had thought that blaming the troops who are fighting and dying in an impossible situation for the failures in Iraq was the sickest depths Republicans could sink to. I was wrong.

Yesterday, Paul Wolfowitz reached new depths blamed his girlfriend for all his troubles at the World Bank. Apparently, according to Paul, Shaha Riza is such a shrew she terrified the World Bank ethics committee and only a $50,000 raise could calm her outrage at being forced to behave ethically. I would have loved listening to the conversation those two lovers had last night.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:28 PM

    "Clinton did it, too" is such a common refrain I suspect Karl Rove has the words tattooed on his butt so White House personnel will see it during their daily devotionals.

    But...now that Cheney is rumored to be on the DC Madam's list, we'll be able to replace 'Clinton did it too' with 'Cheney did it too,' 'better,' ...whatever. ;-)
