Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Iraq War: Quarterly Update

We enter the 17th quarter of the never-ending Iraq War.

American Military Deaths
1st quarter 2007 ..... 244 (2.7 deaths per day)
4th quarter 2006 .... 288 (3.1 deaths per day)
War Total .......... 3,247 (2.4 deaths per day)

I've stopped caring about the reported number of wounded since the Pentagon has instituted policies to deliberately undercount war wounded.

Iraqi Security Forces Killed
1st quarter 2007 ..... 456
4th quarter 2006 .... 496

Iraqi Security Forces and Civilian Deaths
1st quarter 2007 ..... 5,222 (58 deaths per day)
4th quarter 2006 .... 5,157 (56 deaths per day)

This first quarter of The Surge shows no appreciable effect. US deaths are down slightly while civilian deaths are up slightly over the previous quarter. A count of the bodies says that The Surge is having no effect.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Actually, the news of the last few days would indicate that US deaths are back on the upswing.

    More Of The Same. That's all it is.
