Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Distractions are so very...Distracting

For the past few weeks I have had some...distractions...that have deflected my mind from writing. I hope to be able to put them behind me soon. In the meantime, I am suffering a sort of opinion constipation. So, here are a few quick takes.
  • I want to sympathize with Scooter Libby. He went to work for a very evil man and got caught up in that man's conniving devices. I want to sympathize, but he chose to work for Cheney; he knew what he was getting himself into.
  • There has been a snit about how Bush doesn't have a Plan B for Iraq. The Surge is like Plan Q. There have been so many different operational plans for Iraq - kill them, bribe them, torture them, let them loot everything then clamp down on their every move, lean towards this faction then that faction. It's a wonder we haven't run out of letters for all the Plans.
  • Republicans claim it is unfair to talk about Rudy Giulianitm's family problems. Yet, these same Republicans will be gleefully effusive about Hillary Clinton's husband. "Family Values" are something that Republicans believe should apply only to Democrats.
There, that feels better.

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