Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Evolution of the War Since Bush's Speech

Since Bush's "Surge" speech there has been three major changes in the Iraq War.
  1. The civilian population has been dying at a massively accelerated rate. It used to be that civilians died in small groups, five or ten at a time was a lot. Now, single attacks are killing scores at a time. The latest Baghdad attack has killed over 120. People are dying in huge clusters now.
  2. The insurgents have begun to successfully attack helicopters, four choppers down in the past two weeks. Routinely, high ranking officers have traveled by air to avoid the roadside bombs. Just this year, at least two colonels, two majors, two captains, one lieutenant colonel, and four senior non-coms have been killed in attacks on helicopters. That is a significant number of senior officers that the insurgents have taken out. The helicopter attacks are succeeding in killing high value targets.
  3. The Pentagon has reduced the number of servicemembers wounded in Iraq by the simple expediancy of changing the definition of "wounded." It could be an attempt to make the war look less disastrous, or it could be they are simply running out of Purple Heart medals.


  1. Excellent Post, to the point.

    I don't know how much longer the American Public will tolerate being lied to.

    What's really sick about all of this is that our troops are now being forced to take sides. We are doing the dirty work and heavy lifting for the militias.

    The whole place is on the verge of just blowing up. How many more helicopters have to "crash" before The Pentagon admits they are being shot down?

    It's well known that the insurgents have katyusha rockets.

    How are we going to remain neutral in this fight? There are Sunni AND Shi'a insurgents as well as Al Qaeda. So the Sunnis blow up a car bomb (like today) so the what, the U.S. military hunts them down and kills them?

    Then the Shi'a militias kill a bunch of Sunnis so the U.S. military goes after the Shi'a?

    We're fucked. Plain and simple.

  2. it does seem as if our military is reduced to a situation of galloping off in all directions at once. OF COURSE they can't focus on one objective and handle it. the civil war just keeps getting in their way.

    and Bush thinks sending more troops into the quagmire is the answer.

    or he simply doesn't think at all.
