Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Armageddonites Wet Dreams

The Christian Right loves Israel for one reason. They believe that a Middle Eastern war involving Israel will result in Armageddon and the return of Jesus Christ. The don't give a rat's ass for Jews or Israel. The last thing they want to see in the region is peace because peace can only delay the event that they pray for daily. My friends at Cristo Lumen explained the Armageddonites and their War Cult quite well last year.

So, the Christian Right will be praying in their churches this Sunday that the news in the London Times is correct. The Times is reporting that Israel has decided on using nuclear weapons to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. The attack will use laser guided bombs to dig some tunnels followed by small mini-nukes to destroy the underground bases.

Letting the Genie out of the bottle with the first use of nuclear weapons since WWII will change not just the Middle East, but the world. Peace of any kind between Muslims worldwide and Israel will be impossible. The growth rate of radical Islam will increase ten-fold. Iraq will erupt in a way that will make today's war look like a stroll through a meadow. The United States will certainly veto any attempt at sanctions against Israel for using WMDs against another country. President Bush will probably declare that the United States will defend Israel against any retaliation for an Israeli sneak attack. There will be immense pressure on Pakistan, as the only Muslim nation with nukes, to provide the means of retaliation.

And, all the while, the Armageddonites in their mega-churches will be praying for things to get worse and worse still beyond all imagining. The grand World War that kills billions and culminates in the destruction of Israel in a battle at Megiddo where "a massive river of blood is flowing throughout the Holy Land" will be approaching.

Somewhere after Israel attacks Iran, some rightwing wag will opine that "nuclear winter" is the perfect antidote for global warming. This is what underground nuclear explosions look like.

Other resources: We Planet,

1 comment:

  1. damn...Why isn't this making headlines? Or are you just ahead of the curve?

    I think I'll have to post the timesonline link on my blog with some excerpts.

    Your post is very excellent. The video is chilling.

    Imagine the Armageddonites surprise when after a nuclear exchange in the Middle East that Jesus doesn't come back...

    How will they rationalize that?

    "well, it wasn't big eough...there wasn't enough death and destruction..."
