Saturday, December 30, 2006

Thoughts Upon a Hanging

By the end Saddam Hussein had become just a comma in the history of Iraq, of little conequence compared to the daily butchery and chaos that the country continues to suffer under the American occupation. One would hope, at least, that his death would slack the thirst for blood that has become the central core of conservative philosophy in the United States, but I have no delusions. Skimming rightwing web blogs I have encountered the expected schoolgirl giddiness mixed with outrage at anyone who does not share their glee with sufficient enthusiasm.

I'm afraid that nothing will sate the bloodlust of my fellow countrymen. American conservativism feeds on death and war. There is not enough hemp, not enough bombs to ever quiet the souls of the Republican Death Cult.


  1. Wingnuts are pushing the execution of Saddam as a victory and mission accomplished for Bush.

    History is being rewritten as they tell the American People that the whole reason for invading Iraq was to remove Saddam from power, capture him, and execute him.

    If that was the mission, then can we come home now? Not a chance...

  2. OH WELL just look a the killings in flint michigan the per capita rate is much higher there oh yes
