Friday, December 15, 2006

Go Ahead and Filibuster

The Republicans in the Senate have come up with a brilliant idea. By brilliant I mean grotesque in a vile and soulless way. Republicans are threatening to filibuster the Senate's organizing resolution unless the rules are written to give Republicans control of the Senate in the event that Senator Tim Johnson dies.

Go ahead! Let 'em Filibuster! Let the bastards explain how they are not bloodthirsty vultures circling an honorable man's sick bed. Don't be gentle. Force them to talk day and night - no sleep breaks, no bathroom breaks. Hold cloture vote after cloture vote. Force the Republicans in mass to repeatedly defend the indefensible. Force them, again and again, to explain to an American public that doesn't give a rat's ass about the procedural setup of the United States Senate just why they are shutting down the government while patriotic Americans are dying in Iraq. Don't give an inch. Not a sentence. Not a syllable. Not a vowel. Stand firm against these sick bastards and their cult of death!

Art is by Leonardo da Vinci, pen and ink on paper, depicting a committee of five Republican senators. Left to right they are: Orrin Hatch, Trent Lott, Jim Bunning, Saxby Chambliss, and Elizabeth Dole.


  1. I've been busy all day and hadn't heard this news yet.

    I seem to remember a group of Republicans threateing to impliment the "nuclear option" getting rid of the filibuster once and for all.


  2. Well said, and I share every bit of your view on this entirely. How sick it is that our great country is now a den of thieves and vultures, and our Democracy is now an Oligarchy.
