Sunday, October 22, 2006

What's So Bad About Peace, Love, and Understanding?

The latest attempt at fear-mongering by Republicans is to charge that if Democrats gain control of Congress they will establish a Department of Peace. Rep. Roy Blunt has sent out a press release saying that if Nancy Pelosi becomes Speaker of the House all sorts of bills will be passed. Heading the list is a Department of Peace. All the sites that mention this simply regurgitate the Blunt release.
an aside: A sign of how demoralized Republicans are is their inability to express individual thoughts. All they seem able to manage just now is cutting and pasting from some official's mass e-mail.
I have searched in vain for any conservative reason for why a Department of Peace would be a bad idea. As best as I can surmise, to conservatives, Peace is such a demonic concept that mere mention of the phrase "Department of Peace" gives them the willies. They can't explain why it gives them the willies, they just know that Peace is Bad.
second aside: This home school site does try to explain the evils of Peace (aside within an aside: nothing explains the insanity of the religious home schooling advocates than this guy). As far as I can understand his rambling writing, Peace is Slavery and only through constant war is liberty possible.
There is proposed legislation to establish a Department of Peace in both the United States and Canada. The goal is to create a government effort towards seeking non-violent resolutions to domestic and international conflicts. Throughout history, violence has been the easy answer to a disagreement, especially when the strong want to impose their will upon the weak. Like playground bullies, violent resolution to conflicts is the mark of an immature society. It has been known for some time that mankind will not survive as a species until we can move past the quick resort to violence.

A Department of Peace does not make war impossible. It does not require us turning our swords into plows and spears into pruning hooks. It simply means, as a people, we will seek the path of peace first. And what is so bad about that?

Update: I forgot to include the link to the home schooler who considers Peace to be an anti-Christian evil. It's here.

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