Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A: Truncate the Name So People Have to Guess for Whom They Have Voted

Q: What is yet another way to use electronic voting machines to steal an election?

In Virginia, in selected counties, the voting machines have been configured to cut off Democratic Senate candidate James Webb's last name. To vote for Webb you have to vote for James H. "Jim" ... But that won't cause any confusion because there is also a James T. "Jim" (last name cut off) on the ballot.

These voting machines are manufactured by Hart InterCivic out of Texas (State motto: Over seventy years experience in rigging election returns). The election authorities all agree they want to fix the problem, eventually, but not this year. My favorite excuse is from Sheri Iachetta, general registrar for Charlottesville, "I completely understand (people complaining), but it's not something I can control."

Ah, sister, you bought those machines in 2002. You had the responsibility to insure they worked perfectly before you paid for the fucking things. It is totally in your control.

Source: WaPo via DailyKos.

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