Friday, July 07, 2006

In Mexico, as in Florida, It Is What They Don't Count That Counts

Americans can identify with Mexico today. The easist way to rig a close election is in the ballots they choose NOT to count. The official results of the Mexican Presidental election gives the right-wing candidate a 243,934 (0.57%) vote margin of victory. To achieve this total, the counters had to throw out 904,604 votes. Over two percent of the votes were discarded.

In yet another incident of vote count fraud, the Pro-Republican National Action Party (PAN) has stolen the Mexican election. Brace yourselves, this is only the beginning.

Links: San Diego Union, Salt Lake Tribune, NYC Indymedia, El Universal



  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    In yet another incident of vote count fraud, the Pro-Republican National Action Party (PAN) has stolen the Mexican election. Brace yourselves, this is only the beginning.

    What's so strange about this? The Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) stole elections for decades. That the PAN-istas got ahold of the mechanism and started it themsleves seems like no big surprise.

    What am I missing?

  2. Quite true. In 1988, Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas of the PRD won the presidential election. Mexico's gangster president, Carlos Salinas, shut down the election computers until the result could be rigged. The phrase "se cayó el sistema" (system shutdown) is now synonymous with "election fraud."

    The question for Mexico is whether their society has changed? There were no protests in 1988, the people simply accepted corruption as the norm. There is a significant regional divide this time - northern states for PAN, southern states for PRD - that might cause a rupture. Besides, when the president has to steal the election you are guaranteed to have a crook in office.

    However, I am bracing myself for the elections in the USA. Every successful vote count fraud makes the next more likely. As each is tolerated we all become more accepting that elections are meaningless charades. I fear when it is no big surprise the Republicans have stolen another election. I fear we are already there.

  3. Awesome graphic Knighterrant!

    OT -

    I recently moved my blog to movable type.

    In the process someone stole my blogspot URL.

    My new URL is

    Could you please remove the blogspot URL from your link list? I don't want the asshole who stole my blogspot URL getting any undeserved traffic.

