Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Christian Anti-Semitism in Delaware

The Indian River School District is not content with Christian invocations at their Board meetings. They want to weed out any vestige of non-Christian thought.

During the 2004 graduation, Pastor Jerry Fike directed his invocation at one person. Samantha Dobrich was the only Jewish student graduating. Fike said,
I also pray for one specific student, that You be with her and guide her in the path that You have for her. And we ask all these things in Jesus' name.
The Dobrich's son, sixth-grader Alex, was harrassed in school halls for wearing a yarmulke, called "Jew Boy" and "Christ Killer." The young boy became afraid he would be attacked for his faith while grocery shopping with the family.

After the Dobrich family sued, their home address was publicized by Stop the ACLU Coalition (link withheld because I refuse to pollute my fingertips by typing it) and the KKK made threatening phone calls. Local talk radio carried calls attacking the family and saying they should either convert or leave town.

At a school board meeting young Alex was shouted down with calls to ""take your yarmulke off." A former board member threatened the mother, Mona Dobrich, saying she might "disappear" like Madalyn Murray O'Hair. O'Hair's dismembered corpse was discovered six years after she had vanished.

With justified fear for their lives, the Dobrich family had to leave their home in Seaford, Delaware and flee to Wilmington.

Sources: First found at Jesus' General, best info at Jews on First, also Bartholomew on Religion. Art is a Hitler Youth poster for the League of German Maidens. It reads, "Every girl belongs to us."

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:47 PM

    I heard rumblings about this over at Ice Station Tango and was appalled.

    The mind boggles.
