Thursday, May 25, 2006

What Is Two Percent Of ....?

Note: I promise I am not going to write about that 2005 poll that said only 2 percent of African-Americans supported George Bush. That's old news, I have fresher fish to fry.

Two Percent Is ...
... The ratio of women to men in the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra - 3 out of 149 musicians.
... The number of women who define themselves as "beautiful."
... The percentage of dogs and cats in the United States with health insurance.
... The percentage of Muslims in China - still 24 million people.
... just 840 fans if San Diego Padres Petco Park sells out.
... The number of teenagers in the country who are vegetarians.

Two percent of the people who voted in the 2004 presidential elections is exactly 2,445,866. That is less than the number of people in all the United States jails and prisons today.

The Diageo/Hotline Poll released today reports that only two percent of the 801 people interviewed were "very satisfied" with the current state of politics in the United States. Two percent, the amount of fat in low-fat milk, is all that's left in this country who are really happy with the way things are going. But, it makes me wonder, how many women who think they are beautiful, have health insurance for their cat, a vegetarian teenaged son, and really love the President will there be in Petco Park tonight?
Ninety-eight percent of the adults in this country are decent, hard-working, honest Americans. It's the other lousy two percent that get all the publicity. But then - we elected them. ~ Lily Tomlin
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