Monday, May 22, 2006

What Is the Adult Population of Connecticut?

Almost the same number of people as the United States has in jails and prisons across the country - 2.6 million. Source: Jurist. Taken for Ranted has more evidence how far from civilized our "lock 'em up" society is.
Kilowatt was an aging con of 65
Who stood a chance to stay alive
And leave the joint and walk the streets again
As the time he was to leave drew near
He suffered all the joy and fear
Of leaving 35 years in the pen

And on the day of his release
He was approached by the police
Who took him to the warden walking slowly by his side
The warden said You won't remain here
But it seems a state retainer
Claims another 10 years of your life.

He stepped out in the Texas sunlight
The cops all stood around
Old Kilowatt ran 50 yards
Then threw himself down on the ground
They might as well just have laid
The old man down.

And we're gonna raze, raze the prisons
To the ground
Help us raze, raze the prisons
To the ground ~ Prison Trilogy, Joan Baez

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