Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Killing for God Is Fun

Given I don't generally hang out with faith-based psychopaths, this story has slipped my notice. Crooks & Liars has found the ultimate in proof that fundamentalist Christianity is the Religion of Death. The faithful can celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace this coming Christmas by giving their young holy warriors "Left Behind: Eternal Forces."
This screen shot from GameSpy shows Elite Soldiers of God gunning down unarmed women. In the game, the player leads the angelic Tribulation Forces as it butchers the unGodly in a style that has been likened to Grand Thief Auto. Tim LaHaye, author of the Left Behind series, says this killing game will lead young people to salvation. The marketing plan is to sell the game at megachurches.

Christian activist Jack Thompson is an opponent of violent video games. To his credit, he is outspoken in opposition to this game that he says will train "kids that to kill nonbelievers is fun and consequence-free."

I am beginning to believe we should take all the fundamentalist Christians and all the fundamentalist Muslims, put them in some isolated place (Greenland will be ice-free soon) and let them kill each other in a place that will not involve the rest of us. See also the LA Times article.

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