Saturday, March 11, 2006

Why John McCain Doesn't Matter Anymore

And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith
- Acts 9:18
In an interview on MSNBC, McCain urged Republicans to write-in George Bush in a 2008 presidential straw poll at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference. That brownnosing statement is not why. The Why is not what he has said but his silence.
  1. After Bush's signing statement vowed to ignore McCain's anti-torture bill whenever Bush wanted to, McCain was silent.
  2. On NSA domestic spying, was troubled, two days later untroubled, he called for hearings in the press but was silent in the Senate, and recently he has been quiet as a little church mouse munching on the Holy Wafers.
  3. On the Dubai Ports World kerfuffle, McCain's only thoughts were to ape Bush's talking points.
  4. Even on his signature issue, campaign finance reform, McCain has abandoned his post. McCain can only think of programs designed to give him a compitive advantage in '08.
There was a time, six years ago, when I respected John McCain. I disagreed with his politics but thought him an honorable man. That is a rare species in Washington. I even changed my registration to Republican so I could vote for him in the California primary. John McCain is the textbook example of a man who is selling his soul for a chance at power. This modern Faust is sacrificing everything he believes, even his own self-respect, to be President. It is a sad drama, a tragedy even.

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