Sunday, March 05, 2006

'Stay the Course' - for Whom?

the only people who want us in Iraq is Iran and al-Qaeda. I’ve talked to a top-level commander the other day, it was about two weeks ago, and he said China wants us there also.
Rep. John Murtha (D-PA)
Face the Nation, CBS March 5, 2006
  • Al Quada loves it that we are bleeding in Iraq. The more we bleed, the more they rejoice.
  • Iran is grateful we overthrew the Sunni leadership in Iraq, allowing Iran to begin building a Persian/Arab Shi'ite alliance. Because of us, Iran will become the single greatest power in the Middle East.
  • China loves that every day we fight meaningless brush wars we grow smaller in power, wealth, influence, and respect.

They all want us to "stay the course."

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