Friday, March 03, 2006

The Enemy Within

An otherwise unremarkable blog on the wonders of the Patriot Act contains these remarkable sentences -
This fifth-column comprises 8-10% of the US population, and we cannot win the War on Terror until we fight the enemy within. The Patriot Act is a strong tool to do this, as it is a lightning rod by which many Anti-Americans expose themselves.

Do the math, 8-10% of the population is 24 to 30 million Americans that the War of Global Terrorism folks believe to be enemies of the state. That number is:
  • half of the people who voted for John Kerry in the last election.
  • 12 times the current number of people held in of all the federal and state prisons in the United States.
  • the entire population of Iraq.
  • equal to all the people who passed through the Soviet gulag and those sent into internal exile during the complete reign of Joseph Stalin (1929-1953) [Source: Anne Applebaum].
  • One last stat, the high end estimate of the victims of the Nazi Holocaust is 26 million humans.
After reading that remarkable brace of sentences I was reminded of a tin-foil hat posting I found some time ago that claimed to have found evidence of the construction of concentration camps inside the United States. I am beginning to believe it now.

I am not yet convinced that an American gulag is inevitable. I am more convinced now that the number of Americans that John Yoo, Alberto Gonzales, Michael Savage, Dick Cheney and their disciples believe are traitors is a hell of a lot larger than I ever feared. By their definition, I am proudly a traitor. I am proudly a Fifth Columnist who views their vision of America as a perversion.

[Takes a deep breath. Stares at the screen for a few moments, listening to his heart beat.]

Come get me, you bastards!

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