Saturday, March 25, 2006

Cheney's 'Standard Tour Rider'

The Dick Cheney's "downtime suite" requirements on The Smoking Gun has been fodder for much humor, and I'm not above joining it. This is not where he is sleeping, just where he waits until he delivers his speech.

Jon Stewart on the Daily Show observed that his required 68 degrees must be the perfect temperature for reptiles (In truth, that is wrong. But it is the perfect temperature for a goldfish.). Others have focused on his need for all televisions to be tuned to FOX News (Lest he accidently be exposed to a smattering of the truth, and explode.) Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me did a wonderful rife on his requiring a private bathroom (picture the Vice-President walking down the hall in his bathrobe with a towel drapped over his shoulders, then waiting in line at the urinal).

My favorite is item #4, "all lights turned on." Although Cheney has been called the Dark Lord of Shadows, it seems that lit'l Dickie is afwaid of the dark.

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