On the other hand those wusses who hunt deer with automatic weapons, who sit in a lounge chair on canned hunts, and hunt from planes (yeah, I'm talking to you Sarah P.) are contemptible. To them I quote the Constitution:

A search for reality (or at least a little fun) in politics and life
My mother always told me that even when things seem bad, there's someone else who's having a worse day. Like being stung by a bee or getting a splinter or being chained to a wall in someone's sex dungeon. ~ Kenneth Parcell, 30 RockJindal is the perfect character to pitch the Republican "Don't Worry, Be Happy" attitude over the economic crisis. The unemployed don't need assistance, they need to smile more. When times are hard the government should stand by and do nothing. As Paul Krugman notes, "the political philosophy of the GOP right now seems to consist of snickering at stuff that they think sounds funny."
U. S. Steel in in 1943 employed 340,000 Americans. By the year 2000, they only employed 52,000. Those jobs have never come back.George STEPHANOPOULOS: Yes, but we've seen millions and millions of jobs going away in the private sector just in the last year.
Michael STEELE: But they come -- yes, they -- and they come back, though, George. That's the point. When they go -- they've gone away before, and they come back.
The consequences of it are going to be a massive brain drain of senior talent from those companies that have taken TARP money to those companies that have not. ~ Donald StraszheimThe wailing, the gnashing of teeth, the rending of clothing (a $5,000 pinstriped Domenico Vacca) has begun. No one, we are being told, can live on a measly $400,000 a year. I see visions of Wall Street bankers burning their Louis XV side chairs ($2,300) for heat while dining on day-old caviar and drinking Nevada Brut champagne.