Thursday, August 10, 2017

He's Only the President, Don't Listen to Him

The most interesting thing out of Trump's "fire and fury" rant is that the White House, meaning John Kelly, let it be known to the world that it should ignore what he said. It was "improvised" and not official policy.
That was doubled down by reports today that the Government in general is ignoring his statements on the theory that his short attention spaans he will quickly forget what he wanted. The White House is making it crystal clear that Trump is meaningless and that people should wait until they hear from Tillerson or Haley or Mattis or someone else with actual authority.

Mooch Can't Quit Being a Clown
Tony the Mooch has decided his 7½ minutes of fame hadn't made him a big enough laughingstock. He's beginning the late night comedy show circuit. And, no, I shan't watch, I don't like my laughter seasoned with vomit.

In other Moochnews, he is comparing himself to Monica Lewinsky which I assume means he is impressionable young bimbo and not that he gave Trump a blowjob.

Trump Making Friends
I'm guessing Trump never read this book because I seriously doubt that gratuitously attacking a man you need to help you if you want to get anything passed by Congress is one of the chapters. To be fair, Trump is just parroting what Steve Bannon whispers to him.

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