Saturday, October 11, 2008

McCain's Test of Courage and Honor

I believe he will fail the test. McCain's courage and honor were youthful traits that he long ago surrendered to old age.

Yesterday, McCain was booed by his own rabid crowd for daring to say that Barack Obama is a decent man and not someone to be afraid of. McCain and Palin have been whipping their rallies into a lynch mob frenzy of hate for a fortnight and, as a consequence, have begun attracting the denizens of the vilest depths of America's racist sub-culture. Yesterday, McCain tried to pull back from the abyss he has been shouting down.

The question is, will he have the courage and honor to stay respectful? Or, will he surrender again to the will of the mob and indulge their desires to wallow in hate?

Can he learn to disagree without being disagreeable?

P.S. Speaking of McCain and Sarah Palin - how is that whole gambling on a hunch and not vetting your Veep pick going for you?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:20 AM

    John McCain is caught in the middle of the storm.Racism is like a virus. A small dose can spread on a vast scale.Unfortunately, as the Ashanti of Ghana say,"There is no medicine to cure hate."
    Guy Blaise
