Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Hate Is All They Have Left

"Terrorist!" "Kill him!" "Sit down, Boy!"

McCain-Palin rallies have begun to sound like KKK meetings. The hate oozing from the candidates is topped by a vile racism evident in the crowds. It is not hyperbole to observe that the crowds now attending McCain and Palin rallies would enthusiastically lynch the Democratic opposition if they had the chance.

It is as if John McCain has decided that the only remaining chance he has to be President is to encourage the assassination of his opponent. McCain and Palin are inciting a blood lust in their true believers. They are going way beyond the not to subtle use of words like "uppity." They have taken off the gloves and put on the pointy hoods.

Read also Black Political Thought.


  1. You are right. Hate is all they have left. To think John McCain said he was above that. Thanks for the visit.

  2. Anonymous5:31 PM

    This is the format and rhetoric that has taken over the Republican Party for years, now. Mostly it has resided with "comedians" like Limbaugh and his ilk (but, also a few public officials who just could not control their words to keep their feeling hidden). It is further abetted and encouraged by the lack of outrage among conservatives (presumably christians) at these hate words.

    I truly don't get it that "christians" can hate so much. That's not what I learned in Sunday school.
