Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Debates From a Dog's POV

Political debates are impressionistic, as I have said before. It isn't what is said that matters so much as how it is said.

John McCain - Insecure Whelp
McCain was not an attack dog. He was more like one of those yipping little terriers. He couldn't sit still while listening, he was a weird assortment of tics and rapid eye movements. His lack of self-confidence was tangible. He would take a nip, or pee on your foot, but every aggression was clearly rooted in fear.

Barack Obama - Pack Leader
More than any of the other debates, Obama projected the aura of someone who is calm, assertive, and in control of events. His responses were forceful without being aggressive. At the worst of of McCain's nips, Obama would react with bemusement, as one would with the antics of a misbehaved puppy. Obama's aura was that of a mature leader; McCain's was of a rattlepated child.

Calm-assertive energy This is the energy you project to show your dog you are the calm and assertive pack leader. Note: assertive does not mean angry or aggressive. Calm-assertive means always compassionate, but quietly in control. ~ Cesar Millan

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