Monday, April 21, 2008

Wake Me When It's Over

I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat. ~ Will Rogers, 1935
For the sake of my sanity I have decided to tune out the Democratic presidential primary. I've made up my mind (Obama); nothing will change it. The candidates have said all they possibly can; there has been nothing new on the stump for weeks. The news coverage is befitting a professional wrestling bout - overblown banality. Supporters (especially Clintonites) are reaching ever new depths in delusional ravings. I've finished my curiosity phase where I wondered what new absurdity they would obsess over; I am now mostly terrified by the psychoses they fall prey to.

There is enough stupidity - war, corruption, economic and environmental crises - to occupy me. I don't need any more of that special kind of suicidal delirium that is a Democratic Party primary.

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