Monday, April 21, 2008

Food Shortages in America

The above photo is a Depression-era bread line. It is also our future. The New York Sun is reporting that food shortages have begun to appear in the United States. They are sporadic, so far, popping up on both coasts and involve food staples like rice, flour, and cooking oil. However, inflation is part of our crisis with rice now selling for over one dollar per pound. So, perhaps, our future will look more like this photo.
This was Germany, same era. Food shortages and hyper-inflation was their economic plague. This is the crowd outside a bakery. The policemen, lower left, are telling the crowd that there is no bread left to buy at any price. Of course, that economic crisis lead to this...
Kinda make you feel all warm and fuzzy about the prospects of what John McCain, with his legendary explosive, irrational anger, will do, eh?

A great big hat tip to PissedOnPolitics for leading me to the Sun article. Thanks for the nightmares.

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