Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Prelude to War

One of the few remaining roadblocks to Bush declaring war on Iran has fallen. Adm. William Fallon has been open about his opposition to hit and run bombing or any other attack upon Iran. A man of integrity and intelligence, he was out of place on the Bush Team. As head of Central Command he was in a position to stop a stupid war. His firing, official a "resignation" but no one other than a fool would believe that, opens the door for a compliant yes-man to be elevated to this position. Bush has the Kyl-Lieberman/Clinton amendment which authorizes and attack. He will soon have a toady commanding the troops in the region. It is only a matter of time now.

I suspect war with Iran will come shortly after the November election unless polling data indicates that active combat will enhance McCain's chances.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it's what I think too.

    I think we will see some sort of weird shenanigans going into the DNC convention.

    I fully expect new video messages from Osama to appear just before the election...and endorsement for Hillary or Obama perhaps?
