Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy 5th Anniversary!

I feels so bad that I missed the 5th anniversary celebrations of the United States colonial war in Iraq.
As you may know, the traditional 5th wedding anniversary gift is wood (see right). The US relationship with Iraq is like a marriage - not a 21st century Western marriage-as-partnership type of marriage, more like a 12th century Arab marriage-as-slavery style. Our embrace has been a legalized rape.

Iraq is still not the subservient, obedient spouse we had expected. We have, however, developed certain accommodations. We have learned if we pay the Sunnis a nice, fat allowance they won't try to shoot us in the ass so often. We've learned to ignore when the Shi'ites shamelessly flirt with Iran; we are getting pretty good at pretending they are not having hot, sweaty, desert sex together.

Most of us got the Seven Year Itch five years ago. A lone few (St. John McCain) are looking forward to the 50th, golden, anniversary. Although, by then, we will not have any gold left.

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