Sunday, March 09, 2008

Clinton's Concept of Second Class Citizens

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others ~ George Orwell, Animal Farm
The Clinton campaign is all about how some states and voters are important while others are immaterial. To Clinton, if you live in certain states (California, New York, New Jersey) then you are important and your votes matter. If you live in other states (Virginia, Colorado, Minnesota) then you are unimportant and your votes should matter little.

If your are an older voter, a woman, or a Hispanic (in some states but not in all) then you are a Real Democrat and your votes are more important. If you are a younger voter or a disillusioned Independent then you are of a lower caste and your votes should be judged less worthy. If you are a Republican voting for Barack Obama because you are disgusted by the Republican Party politics of fear then your vote is meaningless. If, however, you are a loyal Republican voting for Hillary Clinton because Rush Limbaugh tells you to then your vote should be counted twice. And if you are Black your vote should be seen as purely symbolic and ignored.

One of the most disturbing ideas coming out of Hillary Clinton is the notion that a voter's worth depends on his class or where she lives. It is an anti-democratic belief.

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