Thursday, February 07, 2008

There Are So Many Ways to Circumvent Campaign Financing Laws

Take these two stories.

Story #1: For five years, Bill Clinton played the role of glorified handshaker for billionaire Ron Burkle. As the Wall Street Journal reported last month, Clinton was severing the relationship for a $20 million buyout. No one is quite sure what Clinton did to earn that money.

Story #2: Hillary Clinton loans her campaign $5 million. Where is the money coming from?

There are many ways to circumvent campaign financing laws. Many are illegal, some are not. One of the legal ways is to "hire" a spouse and pay him an insane amount of money to do pretty much nothing. Make no mistake, Ron Burkle is making a perfectly legal $5 million campaign donation to Hillary Clinton with enough extra added to allow the Clintons to pay their taxes and keep a bit for their troubles.

This is just another of the dirty little secrets of the American political system.

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