Monday, February 04, 2008

More Clinton Tears

The secret of acting is sincerity. If you can fake that, you've got it made. ~ George Burns
A presidential candidate tearing up once on the eve of an election, that can be the emotions of the moment. But when it happens a second time, again on the eve of another election, I have to question if it is just a stage performance.

Clinton has herself credited her victory in New Hampshire to her tears prior to that vote. She ran as a tough guy in South Carolina and lost big. So, here we are on the eve of Super Tuesday and the waterworks are flowing again. If her tears work again I must give Clinton props for finding an effective strategy.

I am, however, concerned that these crying jags are going to handicap an entire generation of female politicians. If displaying "womanly vapors" becomes a staple of the campaign consultant's handbook we shall see office seekers trying to sob and swoon their way to victory across the country. It will set back women in politics by 100 years.

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