Thursday, February 28, 2008

His Presidential Motto

...which seemed like a good idea at the time... ~ George Bush, today's presser
He was talking about the recently passed economic stimulus package, but he could have been referring to everything this country has done under his leadership.

Neverending Iraq War - seemed like a good idea at the time.
Federally mandated school testing that has totally fucked public education - seemed...
Incomprehensible North Korea policy - seemed like an idea...
A tax policy that rewards wealthy indolence and punishes workers - seemed like time...
"Let's hate Europe because they won't fight in our war" foreign policy - seemed like a good time...

I could go on. You can boil the Bush Jr. presidency down to this single phrase. It is an impulse driven government, unencumbered by the thought process. Just do whatever seems like a good idea at the time.

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